
Dwight and Julie Weber

Dwight and Julie Weber have sensed the call to serve as missionaries in the Strong Avenue neighborhood of Elkhart, Indiana. They are striving to mobilize local churches to look outside of their buildings, programs, and services to find ways that they can relationally build bridges to people who are far from God and would not normally attend a traditional church. The Weber’s have embraced the mission of reaching Nones and Dones, that portion of our culture that has no affinity to religion. They lead a Missional Community that strives to facilitate missional activity in neighborhoods throughout the Michiana area. Dwight serves as a Regional Coordinator for All Pro Dad, a monthly gathering of dads and their kids designed to promote the active engagement of fathers in the lives of their young children. He also serves as a leadership coach and lead assessment provider for Mission Igniter, working with pastors and church planters across the country, striving to enable them to live out their God-given mission and calling more effectively.