Mission Igniter empowers leaders and networks to multiply expressions of the church through church planter recruiting, training, coaching, and providing support. Mission Igniter works with networks and conferences to develop and implement contextualized systems and services which empower them to multiply churches. 


Get the Support You Need to Succeed

The success of a new churches has a direct correlation with the quality of assessment, training, planning, and coaching the new church and its leader receives.

Don’t Plant Alone

Every planter needs a supportive network and coach. Join a community of planters and church multipliers who pray, encourage, and support one another.

Let Us Help With The Details

There is a lot to do when starting a new church. Mission Igniter’s team can help you think through and manage the many administrative tasks necessary.


There is not a church for EVERYONE!

The USA is the 3rd largest mission field in the world with 180 Million people with no church.

Across North America today the spread of the Gospel and the witness of the church has stalled considerably.

Younger generations are growing up largely without any connection to the church or faith in Christ.

60% of American society is beyond the current reach of existing churches.

The majority of churches in the United States have declined or plateaued. Church participation is becoming increasingly less relevant and attractive to those far from God.

More and more people claim to have “No Religion” each year after year.

We believe God’s plan is that a church planting movement would spread across the USA. A church planting movement is a rapid and exponential multiplication of churches planting churches (to at least the 4th generation). 

What we do

Supports Planters

Mission Igniter empowers leaders and networks to multiply expressions of church through recruiting, training, coaching, and providing support for multipliers. 

Supports Networks

Mission Igniter works with networks and conferences to develop and implement contextualized systems and services which empower them to multiply churches.

Why Mission Igniter?

We understand the missional challenge facing the church today. We are team of missiologists, church planters, pastors, and network leaders who have designed, started, revitalized and led missional churches. We have consulted with church planting experts across the country to develop robust systems and tools for you to succeed.

As a first time church planter, I was intimidated to begin the adventure of launching a nontraditional
expression of church. Mission Igniter trained me, helped me focus on God’s call on my life and
the church, and gave me an awesome coach. I can’t imagine what this process would have
been like without their help!
— Rev. Missy Getsinger
Mission Igniter came alongside me to champion, resource, equip, and guide me in my burgeoning call to church planting. Our church would not even exist without the support and direction of Mission Igniter.
— Rev. Derik Heumann


Find out about our
mission, our services, and the churches we’ve helped plant.


Fostering a movement by multiplying
apostolic leaders and churches.

Take Action

Has God has given you a vision for a new church but you don’t know what to do with it?

Mission Igniter provides the training, coaching and administrative support to plan, launch, fund, and grow your new church expression.

Trusted by Leading Church Networks